Burn After Solving

Data Extraction

Some group has stolen data from our internal files! We have a few broad guesses about who, but the devil’s in the details...

  • Unit for a farm or fore ployed largely in the US (+4=4)
  • Either award namesake who was a foods, a germ for certain facial hair (+5=5)
  • Prepare meat, as at Asus (hi Eli!) or churrascaria (+4=5)
  • Magenta and yellow in kite with this in color printing (+3=4)
  • Direction from Halifax, Canada to Lisbon, Port Udon, England, or Paris, France (+6=4)
  • Can nix a mine one's surroundings to find food (+3=6)
  • Military and commercial vessels of this type which is no war chai often depicted in Spanish history books (+4=7)
  • Making a fine wine like aged chi, a nit's patience, otherwise this quality will make the proverbial waste (+5=5)
  • One who vied a festival of Apollo might have heard it (+3=4)
  • Full of Mali cot (hers), or average (+3=4)
  • An Olympian's hands would love to grail lust Rio us award like this (+4=5)
  • Having an intricate decorative, the most overly embellished (+4=6)
  • Put through a sieve, sot very lump is broken up (+4=4)
  • Black and brown bears have different rout I nest tin gat salmon as they swim upstream to do this (+5=5)
  • Cook with water he ate, dun miss, ion of vapor (+4=5)
  • Cause to spout as if by a blow to the head (+3=4)
  • Amid soy keys, it's the one above backtick (+3=5)
  • It might be said when a man goopy is cut down, perhaps (+3=6)

5 6 2 5 = 6